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Dartmoor Discovery Walking group
Group Led by John Reynolds
Tel. 07857 048801

The group meets in morning of the fourth Thursday of each month.  
We meet at the walk start point on Dartmoor or, if you wish to car share, at
Ivybridge Park & Ride.  Walks commence at the start point at 10.00am.
Although we are described as a walking group, the emphasis is on
visiting, looking at, and talking about things of interest.
The total distance walked is only 3 to 5 miles.

This can include Bronze Age hut circles, stone rows, Cists, and Cairns etc.
Other items could be old granite apple crushers and other industrial/agricultural relics.
We also visit disused tin, arsenic, iron ore etc mines
as well as operational china clay quarries.
Our experienced guide, Paul Rendell, has built up a wealth of knowledge about “all things Dartmoor”.  This includes what the military are doing, films being shot on the Moor, planting trees, conservation work _ _ _ _ the list goes on.

Walkers will require outdoor clothing and walking boots or shoes suitable for the time of year and waterproof when necessary.

If you are interested in joining our small but welcoming group, then please contact
John Reynolds.  Details above.