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Chairman ............. 07977 905458
Membership Secretary ...........… 07780 150750
Or just come along to one of our monthly meetings
Come to one of our monthly meetings and sign in as a guest.
We meet at the Watermark, Erme Court, Ivybridge on the third Monday of each Month
at 2.00pm.
Click here to see our monthly meetings diary
Your Committee
 Chairman ...…..Vanessa Day

Secretary .....Averil Heaton       Treasurer ..……Christine Smith

Membership Secretary and Beacon Manager….Ritsaert Von Oven
Groups Coordinator…..John Bowditch      Newsletter Editor…..Guy Yea

Social and Welcome Coordinator…..Rhoda Lloyd        Promotions…Anne Kiddell  

   Speaker Secretary ......Graham Meadon      Website Editor….Paul Jones         
Cliff Bennett Hon President