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Ivybridge U3A Canasta group
Led by John Davis
Email johnandmargaret369@btinternet.com
We have a successful group running and meet to to play on the first Wednesday afternoon of each month, from 2 - 4pm at Waterside House in Keaton Road.

The cost of hiring the room is £10 and we can have the use of the kitchen to make tea & coffee.  With the numbers that usually play, the cost is about £1 each for the afternoon to include the drinks.  

Canasta was the most popular card game in the United States in the 1950's.  It may be played with 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 players but is best played with four persons as a partnership game.  The word Canasta actually means Basket in Spanish and probably referred to the tray that was originally used to hold the discards.  
If anyone has a set of Canasta playing cards, maybe you could bring them along.  

New members and beginners always welcome.
If you are interested and would like more information , please contact John via details above